I make these mighty little heirlooms-

fierce and tender-


tiny objects made of stardust,

for close keeping.

Siri Hansdotter Jewelry is my collection built over 10 years of mighty little heirlooms made with ethically sourced rare Earth minerals and precious metals.

I carve each design in wax using a variety of simple tools. The process of lost wax casting - an ancient technique using fire and centrifuge, transforms the wax models into precious metal jewelry. I finish my pieces with beloved textures, subtly scuffed and gently hammered floral, fern and fluid forms.

My path to jewelry was much like my jewelry itself - steadfast with a hint of sweetly unexpected.

I've always loved a treasure, an unusual find, an object that sparks curiosity and wonder. And I've always done things a bit differently, guided by some magnetic challenge, a rare opportunity, and risk taking.

My first love was ceramics, wheel throwing, working with my hands in clay, particularly wood firing in the high desert of Northern Arizona.

You'll notice that my jewelry has a certain influence of forgiving textures and shapes created in clay.